Marcus Pang

Full-stack + Smart Contract Developer

About Me

I enjoy building websites and applications. Most of my hours are spent on hackathons, and I'm always building something.

Work Experience

Jun 2024 - Sep 2024

Nethermind Software Engineer Intern

Jul 2023 - Dec 2023

Cliniserve GmbH Software Engineer Intern

Built new API and worked on mobile apps, frontend apps, and backend services.

Dec 2022 - Apr 2023

ByteDance Software Engineer Intern

Created new microservice for internal projects.

May 2022 - Aug 2022

Computing for Voluntary Welfare Organisations Software Engineer Intern

Led a team of 4 to build 2FA library and improved access control.

Dec 2021 - Mar 2022

NUS FinTech Lab Web Developer

Maintained website for ongoing events.

Dec 2020 - Jul 2021

eFusion Technology Web Developer

Built e-commerce sites and created custom PHP plugins.


Apr 2024

ETH Taipei 2024 transientoor

Won first place, along with a sponsor prize: Most Innovative on OP. Made use of transient opcodes to create a Chrome extension to allow users to approve + swap in one transaction. Also made a custom ERC721 standard to allow loans without escrows.

Nov 2023

ETH Istanbul 2023 k3ys

Won several pool prizes. Drag and drop interface to create airdrop campaign rules, and encode the logic on-chain. Allows for verifiability and ensures that rules only apply at the specified snapshot, without possibility of tampering.

Oct 2023

ETH London 2023 Reco

Won a sponsor prize. Built a decentralized recommendation engine on Discord for communities, e.g. DAOs.

Oct 2023

ETH Rome 2023 CredLancer

Won a sponsor prize. Implement privacy-preserving features for a freelancer dApp.

Sep 2023

ETH Warsaw 2023 DashDAO

Won 1st place. Built a dashboard for DAOs to view more detailed proposal analytics and voting history, across delegations.

Aug 2023

ETH Munich 2023 Zap

Won a sponsor prize. Fork of wallet for Bitcoin Lightning network.

Jul 2023

Web3 Gaming Week 2023 Programmatic NFTs

Introduced new ERC6551 standard to allow for modifiable NFT metadata on-chain.

Apr 2023

ETHTokyo 2023 Account Abstraction Builder

Won some pool prizes. Drag and drop interface to create account abstraction rules, and bundles them into a Chrome extension.

Mar 2023

Solana Grizzlython 2023 DevFi

Bounty system for open-source projects on GitHub without prior wallet setup.

Mar 2023

dotGlobal Polkadot Hackathon 2023 BountiFi

Bounty system for artists.

Feb 2023

Polygon @ the Pit 2023 Alfred Protocol

Platform to entrust funds with fund managers, trading on UniswapV3 positions

Oct 2022 Hackathon 2022 DeCoop

Won 1st prize. Lending pools for micro-finance use-cases, built a Telegram bot + custom dApp to handle repayments.

Sep 2022

NUS FinTech Hackathon 2022 wentoken

Won 1st prize. TCG-style NFT marketplace.

Jan 2022

Hack and Roll 2022 101-Daomations

DAO analytics tool built with Snapshot.

Mar 2022

LifeHack 2021 Learn Together

Social platform for online courses.